The Glorious 2 Christmas Tree

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This is a testament of our faith, a symbol of the unity of our group and of our desire to continue to grow in the Lord.

We chose to present a tree because that is how we see this unit and subdistrict, as a tree that grows and flourishes, while it is being nourished by the living water of God’s word.

We chose to adorn it with balls that represent fruit, because that is what we claim out of our labor, fruits of the spirit, and an abundant harvest of souls for the Lord.

We chose to use materials that are not originally intended for decor purposes, because we want to show that nothing and no one is fixed in stone, and that if we let Him, God can mold us and shape us into something better.

The journey of making the tree was as special as the tree itself.  We learned some new things about each other, witnessed strengths coming out that had not been obvious before; we enjoyed working together, and we learned to appreciate the God given talents that each one of us has.

Along the way we learned that sometimes you just have to depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We experienced miracles when God provided materials we didn’t know we had.  And most of all, we learned a very important lesson on balancing things and making sure that things are the way God intended them to be.

Each ball is counted, lovingly crafted and made beautiful, each ribbon lovingly and expertly tied.  Each name was tenderly affixed to the tree.

This tree is special to us not just because of this promise night, but especially because of the way it has brought us together, and we hope you find it special as well.

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