The Restful Pursuit of God

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In this world, as an adult, you are almost nothing without your certificates. In fact, it is impossible to be a foreign resident in most any country without any papers proving your worth to be there.

It’s not an unreasonable requirement. There has to be global standards after all. There has to be a way to qualify people so that there can be an organised process for immigration, pass approvals, or even normal travel.

That’s what governments need to do so that they can continue to be effective in their God-given task ⁠— to govern.

As a Christian in the Kingdom of God, there are no such requirements, and thank Jesus for that. There is no such thing as a Christian University, where you can go through your paces as a junior learner, progress through all the grades and levels, and come out with the highest degrees (Best in Christian Living! Bible-dictorian!). There is no Diploma in Life Group Leading. There is no Masters Degree in Worship Songs.

Verily, there are no physical requirements, no organization mandated certifications that you can take an exam for, and have to renew every year; there are no such things that can ensure your continued Christian membership. It’s not a fraternity with a hazing process. It’s not a club with monthly dues. It’s not a membership that warrants a legal contract.

The only prerequisite is a love for Jesus.

Thereafter, the teachings are all available for everyone to learn at their own pace, to love at their own pace. The fruits of the Spirit are attainable for anyone who asks. The blessings follow. His love overflows, and it never stops.

Of course, there are best practices; disciplines that can be adapted. It is strongly recommended to have the consistent habit of devotions, prayers, and praise. It is almost impossible to continue a life of Christianity without being part of a local church. It is ultimately unavoidable to cultivate a lifestyle of worship. The reality of His Spirit, the intangible yet perceptible presence of God, commands it, effects it, and enables it.

All of these are pointing towards the restful pursuit of God. This means continuously seeking Him, while having a stillness, the quiet assurance, that He is always around, always willing to be found. It means resting in Christ, being confident of our salvation because of the love of Jesus, but not ceasing to pursue His glory.

[It’s another beautiful paradox — a statement that seemingly contradicts itself at the outset, yet is still clearly self-describing.]

Philippians 3:1-14


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