This is lesson 2

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The devotion talks about leadership, and about how Joshua was serving under Moses’ shadow for most of his life before being called upon to serve as a leader in his own right. As usual, it was exactly applicable to what I’m going through right now. I know I am being called to serve as a leader, more so than how I am serving now. I know my leaders want me to become a careleader. I know all this, and yet I am still hesitant to step up, scared of the responsibilities and the pressures that I know will come. I know that God will give me strength, as He always has, and so I know that this reluctance is coming from my own insecurities, attitudes from my past that I still have not learned to let go.

My prayer for today is this: Lord help me find a way to do what is right. By faith I have been saved, help me then to live in that faith and put my unwavering trust in you. Help me to recognize that there is no other way but to put eveything I have before you, to humble myself before you, and to just let You work in my life as You will. Your will be done Lord forever and ever.


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