Experience Community of Another Kind

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  • Talk about encounters in fellowship, benefits from attending the caregroup and the services
  • Ask them about their own experience
  • Ask them what is their understanding of fellowship

Hebrews 10:25

Examples of Fellowship in the Bible

Old Testament

  • Moses and the Israelites in the promised land
  • Nehemiah and the Israelites rebuild the wall of Jerusalem

New Testament

  • Jesus and His 12 disciples
  • The believers gathering together to grow and spread the Word
  • There is power and protection in a unit (e.g. burning logs, breaking chopsticks)
  • It is important to build a bond with other believers in a church
  • This is God’s plan for us
    • it is not just a convenience
    • other believers will help us to grow strong in the Lord
  • God desires brothers and sisters in the Church to love one another

Blessings When We Commit to a Local Church

  1. Receive spiritual care
    John 21:5-8
  2. Protected from the attacks of Satan
    1 Corinthians 5:5
  3. Protected from false teachings or cult
    Acts 20:28-31

What We Do When We Gather Together

  1. Help one another
  2. Show concern for one another
  3. Share what we have
  4. Encourage one another to grow as a Christian
  5. Learn from the Bible together
  6. Pray with one another
  7. Have fun together
  8. Share the Gospel as a team

Reflection Station

  1. What can I do to contribute to my church or caregroup?
  2. Am I open in the care group that I allow other more matured Christians to speak into my life?

There are many blessings in being accountable for our actions and major decisions:

  1. We will recieve sound advice based on biblical principles
  2. We will avoid making bad decisions that will cause us to fall away from God and His plan for us.
  3. We will see things from a broader perspective as our leaders can advise us based on their experiences; we also enable them to cover our blind spots
  4. We will grow as we allow our leaders to guide us to overcome our character flaws
  • The key is to obey our leaders as long as their advice is in line with the Bible
    Hebrews 13:17
  • On the other hand, you also have the responsibility to correct or rebuke other people you might meet who speaks too flippantly about God
    • to prevent other people from being stumbled
    • to prevent the atmosphere of a caregroup to be affected

Mentor Chat

Many times, I feel tired after work to look forward to caregroup, or I feel obligated to go.  How can I overcome this?

  • Decide that when you are going, you are going to bless others
  • Do not focus on your tiredness (i.e. other people are tired too)
  • When we choose to give, God will bless us many times over

Romans 12:10-11
Proverbs 11:25
Mark 8:36

How can I balance my church life with my work?

  • Be hungry to soak in God’s word.
  • Be an organized and disciplined person, stick to a plan/schedule

Memory Verse
“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:25

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