This is my solemn vow

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For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

My dearly beloved,
I know you through and through and I understand you completely. You can come to me with your struggles and my love will be the answer. I am love. You don’t need to fear anything.

This is my solemn vow for you, that no one can separate you from Me. My desire is for you to see how much I love you. I am for you and no one can be against you. When you seek me with all your heart, I will reveal myself to you. You have captured my heart and nothing you have said or done can change the love I have for you. You are hidden in my heart and forever a part of me. You are precious. Day and night I always think of you – that I need to send my son to bear your sins at the cross that is how much I love you. When you believe in Him, you will have eternal life and My spirit goes before you fighting for all your battles and gives you victory. Trust me I have so much plan for you, not to harm you but to give you a future and hope. I give strength when you are weary and increases your power when you are weak. I am your refuge and I am always there to help you. As you come before me, you will soar on wings like an eagle. You will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not be faint.

Be fascinated with my words for they are full of the spirit and life. The words that comes out from my mouth, it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing I sent it to do.

I love you so much that I am your shield and exceedingly great reward. I long to hear and see how you will respond to my love.

I’m so sorry in advance, but I am recently engaged, and am seeing a lot of things through the lens of this diamond ring. Now I know that doesn’t make sense because rings don’t have lenses, but take that as you will.

Or maybe the shiny shine shininess of this precious stone is rendering me incoherent?  Whatever.  Sometimes cheese is good.  Here’s the link.


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