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A play on the word intercede, this is an interception or intervention of sorts.  It is a restoration in spirit for each member, a reconciliation of our relationship with God, and a rejuvenation of faith of the entire church.  It is a break from the daily grind, a momentary breath of fresh air, a refreshing moment in our busy lives when we have a chance to just commune with God in peace and love, together with the rest of our family community.

The ‘inter’ prefix implies the community aspect.  Many are coming as one to form a bonded, interconnected network of souls who are strong in faith and character.  It refers to the group as a family, complementing each other in skills and character, and integral to another’s Christian walk.

The ‘seed’ portion implies the seed of faith that is present in everyone, the precursor of growth, the beginning of good things.  Seeds are planted on the ground and grow to be great and mighty trees that spawn more trees in turn (a forest even), and that is how we want our Church to be — a living thing, a growing organism, thriving in the ground in which we are planted, flourishing under God care, nourished by His grace and blessings.  We are watered by His Word, and we bask in the glow of His love.

This is a write up about an idea for a camp theme for our church, just to help me sort through my thoughts.

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