Leaders and Rosters

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This is part of a series called Living Life Groups, Loving God. Read the introduction here.

A life group has to have an organised structure

God is a God of order. He delights in measured steps, numbered days. He is careful in His planning, and omniscient in His mental reach. We do not even have the capacity to fathom all that God has planned in His infinite mind.

Our life groups are organised in the way that they are because we are following the pattern of our organised God.

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace

1 Corinthians 14:33a NIV

We have a leadership structure that is necessary for the overall direction of the group. This allows for the entire church, and its network of districts, sub districts, and life groups to be a cohesive body that is serving the purpose of Jesus together as one. The instructions trickle down from the leadership teams, and there is an open flow of communication between each one.

Without wise leadership, a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.

Proverbs 11:14 NLT

We have rosters and roles that allows everyone to have a role in the overall operations of the group, according to their willingness, availability, and desire. The ministry groups also work in the same way, giving people an avenue to serve in different capacities, and letting them experience new things that they might otherwise not be exposed to all in their lives.

And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,

Ephesians 4:11

This opens up an avenue for more testimonies of joy and discovery. There is a certain feeling of satisfaction in a job well done. Even more so when we consider that most of the time, it is the Holy Spirit working within us that makes the entire structure work as efficiently and as excellently as it does.

If a life group loses this God-directed structure of leadership and rosters, it can descend into chaos and confusion.

Reflection Questions

  1. Do you have questions about our life group structures in the church? Open up to your leader about any concerns so that you can grow together in pursuing the answers.
  2. Do you know all the roles that are possible for members of the life groups? Are there any roles that you desire to pursue, now or in the future?
  3. Can you think of ways that your life group can be improved, or areas where you think your life group can be doing better in terms of its structure or implementations? Discuss lovingly with your leaders. God is always inviting us to be actively involved in our faith.

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