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Sheep are soft, warm, cuddly little creatures. They are usually just in one place all the time. They are meek and timid. They are quiet and unprotesting. They seem to be completely content. They also eat a lot, just happy to be chewing away all day. They like green stuff; they probably love vegetables. They let themselves be led. They incite a feeling of peace in others.

I am the polar opposite of all those. I am not any of those things.

The first time I saw sheep dotting the green Scottish landscape, I was very excited.  They were little cotton balls set against a velvet green field, unmoving and still in the distance.  Sheep! Cute, fluffy, woolly sheep! So docile and peaceful, so lazy and slow.  It made me happy.  It made me all glowy and smiling inside, just looking at them.  Sheep incite a warm, fuzzy feeling, and inspire thoughts of lazy days and sleepy nights. Of staying inside wrapped up in a soft comforter with a steaming cup of cocoa on a wet rainy day.

In church we learn that the people of God can somewhat be likened to sheep.  Encouraged to be obedient followers, we are to be meek and mild before our great Shepherd, who will lead us and take care of us no matter what.

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