Thoughts on Love

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We love because God first loved us, and we cannot love if we do not have the love of God in our hearts.

God is a never ending fountain of this love, and it pours forth out of Him, flowing strong and bursting in healthy sprays, brighter than the light of the Sun because He is the Light of the world.

God is a deep and bottomless well of this love, with waters that are pure and sweet, living water that can slake the driest thirst, nourishing water that can strengthen the weakest soil.

God is a wide and infinite ocean of this love, a sea with no beginning and no end, constant and unchanging, powerful and everlasting.

What claim do we have to produce something that we do not have in the first place?  How can we hope to affect love in others if we do not have it in our hearts as well?  If we want to have pure love in our life, we should make sure that we take it from the purest source there is.

1 comment

  1. Rhetorical questions are the worst. Let’s tarnish the abhorrent quality of the above by a tiny bit by answering them:

    What claim do we have to produce something that we do not have in the first place?
    – None

    How can we hope to affect love in others if we do not have it in our hearts as well?
    – We can’t

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