Three things

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You need to hear this today.

The first is that, you are beautiful.

No matter who you are, or where you are right now, you are beautiful.

Not just on the inside, but on the outside too. You were made beautiful, created uniquely to be as you are, as your beautiful self.

The second is that, you are strong.

You have the potential achieve great things. And it is within you to reach that potential. So rise up, stand up for what you believe in, and claim that strength.

The third and most important is that, you are loved.

There is a higher power that created you to be beautiful, and raised you to be strong. And it was all done out of love.

The best thing about it is that you can also give or show love in return. It is within you, and you can activate it whenever you want.

That’s it. Just three things. Take them with you, pass it along, and be greatly blessed.

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